Educational Disadvantage Centre NEIC Fellowship Awardees Announced
Many congratulations to the 11 North East Inner City Initiative (NEIC) Fellowship awardees with DCU Institute of Education's Educational Disadvantage Centre.
The fellowship recipients are teachers in DEIS primary schools in North East Inner City Dublin. They underwent a competitive application and interview process, organised by the Educational Disadvantage Centre, to enable them to pursue a Masters in Education (M.Ed), Special Option, Poverty and Social Inclusion in DCU’s Institute of Education.
The successful applicants are as follows: Seána Brady, Sinéad Crosson, Sophia Cuddy Cullen, Orla Doyle, Rose Duffy, Michael Kennedy, Ciara Naughton, Fionnuala Ni Shionoid, Lauren O'Callaghan, Alison Rafferty and Megan Wynne.
Congratulating the awardees, Dr. Paul Downes, Director of the Educational Disadvantage Centre, said:
"We are delighted to welcome these NEIC Fellowship awardees to the Institute of Education and our Centre. They were chosen as current and future leaders in the area of poverty and social inclusion in education both for the North East Inner City area and nationally.
These Fellowships provide a platform for the 11 teachers to become advocates and agents of change at a time of exceptional strain on children, families and communities experiencing poverty and socio-economic exclusion in Irish society. We would like to congratulate the successful applicants chosen from an extremely strong field of candidates"
The NEIC initiative was established for North East Inner City Dublin following the Mulvey Report, led by the office of An Taoiseach, in conjunction with a range of other government ministries. Niamh Murray, Principal of Rutland St. NS, led the application to the NEIC for these Fellowships.