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ECIU University 2030: Connects U for Life

ECIU University 2030: Connects U for Life

In 2030, ECIU University, of which Dublin City University is a member, will solve multi-disciplinary societal challenges in entrepreneurial, innovative ways. Last week, the Board adopted the vision for ECIU University 2030, confirming a long-term strategy that will see the university bring together learners, teachers, researchers, companies, public sector, NGOs and regional ecosystems throughout Europe.

The vision describes how ECIU University will pioneer as a challenge-based university at a European level. The university is based on the needs of society, solving challenges and reskilling the workforce to ensure significant societal impact.  

Sander Lotze, Director ECIU University: “The vision underlines that the ambitions stretch much further than only the project. We committed ourselves on a joint process towards impactful innovative education and research at the European level.”

Upskilling and Reskilling the Workforce

ECIU University is a European university without degrees. Research-based micro-credentials, offered throughout Europe, are the core of personalised skills and competence development of its learners. ECIU University upskills and reskills the European workforce, developing creative and resilient citizens with an entrepreneurial mindset.

Blended Reality

Digital transformation is key for ECIU University, operating in multiple realities and exploiting data-driven opportunities. Immersive virtual environments combined with gamification provide new standards for instant natural interaction within its community.

About the ECIU University

ECIU University is the largest European University alliance with 12 members in 12 different European countries. The kick-off was held in 2019 and the doors to the first micro-credentials are already open. Building ECIU University is a fundamental, systemic change of the European university landscape and a testing ground for bold experimentation. The Vision 2030 describes the next steps of this European university. The backbone of the ECIU University is the 20+ years standing collaboration within the foundation of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU).

About the European Universities Initiative

ECIU University is part of the European Universities Initiative, funded by the European Union. The European Universities Initiative is a historical opportunity to innovate the European university landscape.

Download a copy of the ECIU University Vision 2030