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DCU Honorary Graduate Willie Walsh appointed head of the IATA

DCU Honorary Graduate Willie Walsh appointed head of the IATA

Congratulations to Honorary Graduate of DCU, Willie Walsh, on his appointment as head of the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

The former IAG and Aer Lingus chief executive will take on the role from next April, a position that will involve leading the industry’s response to the pandemic.

DCU paid tribute to the airline executive by conferring him with an honorary doctorate in 2017. In the citation read out by Dr Cathal Giomard, lecturer in Aviation Management at DCU’s Business School, Mr Walsh was recognised for his entrepreneurial ambition and significant contribution to the aviation industry:

“Today, we are recognising a local man who has led and continues to lead an extraordinary career in aviation. As Aer Lingus CEO, he seized the opportunity of an airline industry that was near collapse following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and turned the fortunes of the loss-making Aer Lingus around. In retrospect, many successes look inevitable that at the time seemed impossible.”

“Profitability and viability, and cost reductions, where necessary, have also been themes of his stewardship of IAG. But added to these challenges he also faces the more recent challenges associated with Brexit, the arrival of the long-haul, low-cost sector, the rise of global carriers based in the Middle East, and, in the near future, China, as well as the need to curb harmful aviation emissions. These are challenges that, even singly, most CEOs would find daunting.”

In accepting his award and addressing DCU’s graduates, including the cohort of Aviation Management students present, Mr Walsh offered some advice,

“A healthy disrespect is something that does set us Irish apart. We’re not afraid to ask questions, we’re not afraid to challenge, we’re not afraid to make sure that we’re doing things in the right way and I think that is absolutely critical in today’s environment.

So as you leave today’s establishment and take with you the experience that you have had here and the experience that will stand to you in life, work and future careers, don’t be afraid to challenge, and don’t be afraid to ask that awkward question. Education gives you the ability to challenge, the ability to discern difference from right or wrong, and the confidence to ask questions.”