MoodleMunch: Series 4, Webinar 4
This lunchtime webinar is part of the MoodleMunch community series, designed to showcase good digital learning and teaching practices. Community members share knowledge, good practice and innovations from their own institutions/organisations. In this webinar, Maynooth University and Atlantic Technological University will deliver presentations. MU will present on its experiences of using the quiz tool STACK within Moodle to support mathematical assessment (DigCompEdu competence 4.1 'Assessment strategies'). ATU will present on its approach to designing and developing short courses with subject matter experts and the role of Moodle in the learning experience (DigCompEdu Area 2 ‘Digital resources’ and Area 3 ‘Teaching and Learning’). Further information and previous webinar recordings are available at www.dcu.ie/moodlemunch. This initiative is supported by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning.