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Future Generations Commissioner

Future Generations: Investing today for a better tomorrow

St Patrick's Campus
Seamus Heaney Theatre
Target Audience
All Welcome
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With a remit set out in law to be “the guardian of the interests of future generations in Wales”, Sophie Howe is the world’s only Future Generations Commissioner.

The Commissioner's role is to provide advice to the Government and other public bodies in Wales on delivering social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being for current and future generations and assessing and reporting on how they are delivering.

Sophie Howe has been Commissioner since 2016 and has led high profile interventions around transport planning, education reform and climate change, challenging the Government and others to demonstrate how they are taking account of future generations. Her interventions have secured fundamental changes to land use planning policy, major transport schemes and Government policy on housing – ensuring that decisions taken today are fit for the future.

Sophie Howe will be giving a public lecture on Future Generations: Investing today for a better tomorrow: How can governments protect the interests of future generations in law? All are welcome to attend at DCU's St. Patrick's Campus in Drumcondra.