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Cathal Blake - Using Public Transport: Experiences of People with Dementia

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The Centre for Engaged Research is delighted to welcome Cathal Blake to take part in our Autumn lecture series 'Community Co-Researchers' and present his work entitled 'Using Public Transport: Experiences of People with Dementia.'. This is the final part of our six guest lectures in our series and is also part of DCU's Science Week 2022, we are very excited to finish with Cathal's extraordinary engaged research on early onset Dementia! 

Cathal's work stemmed from when the Irish Dementia Working Group (IDWG) raised the issue of public transport for people living with dementia. The group had expressed concerns regarding lack of public transport, fear around independence and in particular their worry about what happens when a person can no longer drive. Following a discussion with the IDWG Steering Group it was decided to research this topic: specifically, the group would like to explore the experiences of people with dementia using public transport. Using Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) members of the working group were involved at every stage of the research process beginning with topic selection and study design and assisting with participant recruitment all the way through to reviewing and disseminating the findings. Cathal will present on his research process and the findings which the working group came to. 

Cathal Blake is a PhD candidate in the School of Psychology. His work focuses on early onset dementia. He has recently received increased coverage as he delves into such an interesting and current societal issue; such as from RTÉ.

This event will be held online via Zoom.