Two free webinars on Friday 20th May to explore the importance of play in early childhood education
Two free public webinars on the importance of play in early childhood

Two free webinars on the importance of play in early childhood

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All Welcome
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Free of charge or ticket price
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Dublin City University will host two free public webinars on Friday 20th May to explore the importance of play in early childhood education. The events are part of a project funded by the Irish Research Council and led by Dr Sinéad McNally, DCU Institute of Education.  

A focus on Ireland: 10am - 12pm To Register: Play in the Pandemic: in the Home, Schools and Community

The first webinar will focus on Ireland and will highlight findings from Ireland on how young children’s play was impacted by the pandemic. Play is a serious thing in childhood and for young children, it is a key context for wellbeing and development. Researchers will share findings on play experiences during the pandemic in the home, in education, and in the wider community that can help us to plan for children’s play as we emerge from the pandemic.

Keynote speakers will include Dr Suzanne Egan, Mary Immaculate College, Dr Carol Barron, Dublin City University; and Ms Christina O’Keefe, Dublin City University.

Respondents include: Professor Suzy Edwards, Australian Catholic University and Dr Liz Kerrins, Early Childhood Ireland. 

International best practice: 2 - 5pm To Register: International Symposium on Play in Early Childhood

The international symposium will bring together leading researchers in play to share cutting edge research to inform policy and practice in Early Childhood Education. Three major questions on play will be examined in light of research findings: What is the role of the educator in young children’s play? How can we capture children’s views of play and what are they telling us so far? And How can play support inclusive early childhood education?

Keynote speakers will include Dr Angela Pyle, University of Toronto; Dr Jenny Gibson, University of Cambridge; and Professor Victoria Simms, Ulster University. 

Respondents include: Prof Nóirín Hayes, Trinity College Dublin; Ms. Tanya Ward, Children’s Rights Alliance; Dr. Jaqueline Fallon, National Council for Curriculum and Assessment; Mr. Toby Wolfe, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth, with closing remarks by Professor Anne Looney DCU Institute of Education