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Observatory on Cyberbullying, Cyberhate and Online Harassment: Webinar Series

Observatory on Cyberbullying, Cyberhate and Online Harassment: Webinar Series

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The Observatory on Cyberbullying, Cyberhate and Online Harassment under DCU Anti-Bullying Centre, invites everyone interested to join the second webinar on the subject. This seminar will focus on the Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill which will be enacted this year. We will be joined by two speakers who will the discuss the ways in which the Bill will impact the population as well as the social media companies in Ireland:

Dr Ioanna Noula, Co-founder and Director of Research, The Internet Commission.

Dr. Noula's presentation will focus on the theme of: “Online safety and the importance of the procedural accountability of online intermediaries. Lessons from the Internet Commission's Accountability Reports.”

Dualta Ó Broin, Head of Public Policy (Ireland), Meta.

Mr. Ó Broin’s presentation will focus on the theme of: “Online Safety Regulation in Ireland – Meta’s perspective”

The webinar will be moderated by Ronan Lupton, Senior Counsel and Adjunct Associate Professor at the Sutherland School of Law at University College Dublin (UCD).