Former EU Commissioner and GDPR author Viviane Reding to address DCU Brexit Institute event on cross-border data protection
On Thursday 16th September, the DCU Brexit Institute will host an event to discuss Cross-Border Data Protection After Brexit.
The event will feature a keynote address from Viviane Reding, former European Commissioner, responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, who spearheaded the European Commission’s proposal of the General Data Protection Regulation.
This will be followed by a panel discussion on the topic, moderated by Karlin Lillington, Irish Times. Panellists will include: Mike Harris, Grant Thornton; Orla Lynseky, London School of Economics and Edoardo Celeste, DCU Brexit Institute.
Discussion topics on the day will include:
- End of special transitory arrangement for data transfer established in the trade and cooperation agreement
- New EU-UK adequacy decision
- Plans by the UK to scrap part of GDPR law, retained in the UK
- Possible court challenges
This event has been organised in partnership with the DCU Law Research Centre and the Cross Border Data Protection Network, funded under the ESCR-IRC UK-Ireland Networking Grant.
Event details:
When: Thursday 16th September from 14:00 - 15:30
To register for the event, click here