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Book Launch: Seeking Common Ground: A Theist/ATheist Dialogue

Seeking Common Ground: A Theist/ATheist Dialogue

Virtual or in-person (The John Hand Room (SG05) in Senior House)
Target Audience
All Welcome
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Free of charge or ticket price
Free of charge
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What do believers and non-believers have in common? How can they approach dialogue and avoid conflict? Join us for the launch of an exciting new book that asks these questions and more.

Launching on 4th November 2021, the new book “Seeking Common Ground” is a dialogue between an atheist philosopher and a Catholic theologian which is as much about religion and non-religion, as it is about the dialogue itself.

Co-written by Dr Peter Admirand from the School of Theology, Philosophy and Music at DCU and his co-author, Professor Andrew Fiala from Fresno State University, the book provides a framework for dialogue grounded in seven key values: Harmony, Courage, Humility, Curiosity, Honesty, Compassion and Honour. 

Dr Peter Admirand commented:

“Who would think an atheist and theist have so much in common? Often there can seem to be so much separation and division with a lot of misconceptions on both sides. With this book our aim is to promote conversations across all levels of society - among families, colleagues, politicians, teachers, church groups - to break down the myths that can exist while promoting more inclusion. Coming out of the covid pandemic has further highlighted what we already know, that there is more that unites us than divides us. Our book shows that it is possible to disagree about religion while also seeking common ground. ”

You are invited!

Join the authors for the official book launch on 4th November at 7.30pm and enjoy a lively panel discussion which includes the following guests: 

1. Ed Kessler MBE (Woolf Institute Founder, Cambridge) 

2. Michael Nugent, Chairperson, Atheist Ireland.

3. Jillian Brennan, Chief Executive Officer, The Humanist Association of Ireland

4. Dr Sandra Cullen, Lecturer in Religious Education, DCU

Register now to attend either in person or virtually:

For those wishing to attend the live event in-person, please register through eventbrite here. The launch will take place in The John Hand Room (SG05) in Senior House on the DCU All Hallows Campus.  

If you wish to attend the virtual book launch via Zoom, please email peter.admirand@dcu.ie


Order a copy now!

To order a discounted copy of Seeking Common Ground (€20) email peter.admirand@dcu.ie.