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DCU AFU Marks Bealtaine Festival 2021

DCU AFU Marks Bealtaine Festival 2021

Off campus
Target Audience
All Welcome
Is registration required?
Free of charge or ticket price
Free of charge
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Bealtaine is one of Ireland’s largest co-operative festival and the world’s first national celebration of creativity in older age. The Festival brings together people from all over Ireland to foster and inspire creativity among older people and to promote the skills, experiences and exposure that can lead to a rich creative life for all older people.

The festival is run by Age & Opportunity, the leading national development organisation improving the quality of life of people aged 50 – 100+.

Click here to learn more.

DCU Age-Friendly University is delighted to mark the Bealtaine Festival with a 4-day event with the launch of a suite of online engagements funded by DCU'S Anam Initiative.

Monday will feature the release of a podcast, with contributions from staff, students and participants of the Age-Friendly DCU programme.

Tuesday will mark the release of an E-book, “Hello World” - A celebration of life in lockdown” which features written pieces featured in the podcast.

On Wednesday, Dr Vera Gallistl, University of Vienna will make a presentation on "Cultural Ageing - Ageing In and Through The Arts".

Thursday will feature the release of a number of videos with contributions from staff, students and participants of the Age-Friendly DCU programme.

We are delighted to be taking part in the Festival and contribute to the ageing agenda in Ireland.

Register now to be part of these events.