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Fulbright Scholar Evening
Fulbright Scholar Evening

Fulbright Scholar Evening

Off campus
Target Audience
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DCU's Institute of Education will host the second of two Fulbright Scholar Evenings on Thursday 29th April from 6pm-7pm. This event will feature a presentation by Dr. Stefan Ward, from Central Washington University visiting the School of Arts Education and Movement.

My Fulbright Experience: From the Emerald City to the Emerald Isle

Dr. Stefan Ward is the Program Director for the Physical Education School Health Program at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington. Stefan will share his experiences of teaching, research and engaging with life in Ireland as a visiting Fulbright scholar. He will discuss adapting to virtual modalities to attend classes all over Ireland, teach, and present at different universities, workshops, and conferences. He will also share his research working with inner-city Irish youth through a local nonprofit (Project Fun Direction) and his Irish colleagues Dr. Maura Coulter and Dr. Missy Parker. His presentation will be of interest to researchers and practitioners of physical education, physical education teacher education and service learning, as well as to Fulbright alumni and applicants.