DCU team at the International Vietnam-Ireland Service Learning (SL)/ST-STEM competition in Vietnam
Description: DCU team - Joanna Ozarowska from DCU in the Community, Natalja Matease and Jordana Corrigan from DCU Office of Civic Engagement, and Dr Donal Fitzpatrick from DCU School of Computing - had the pleasure to serve on the judging panel last week at the first International Service Learning (SL)/SL-STEM competition 2019 at University of Science – Ho Chi Minh City, marking a two-year successful cooperation between VNUHCM - University of Science and Dublin City University. 50 different student service learning, civic engagement and volunteering projects from Ireland and Vietnam were competing for the awards which included a week-long study trip to Ireland for the best Vietnamese project and €1,000 cash prize for the best Irish project.
The winners were announced as follows:
1st prize winners: Dang Tien Thanh, Pham Thi Phuong Anh, Le Thu Huong under the instruction of Ms. Dao Thi Hong Quyen from Le Hong Phong secondary school Nam Dinh for a project called: “A bioplastic based agricultural waste solution to the plastic problem” which proposes to use shrimp cells to create a type of environment-friendly bio-plastic. The winning team have applied their bioplastic products to promote the awareness of reducing plastic use. The prize is a 6-day study trip to Ireland where the winners will have an opportunity to present their project at a workshop at Dublin City University.
2nd prize winners: Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhon, Phan Thi Thuy An and Ngo Thuy Khuyen from University of Science, University of Education and Stemhouse Education respectively with the project: “Plastic or Planet”. The main goal of the project is to promote awareness around environmental and sustainability issues among students in a secondary school in Ho Chi Minh City.
3rd prize winners: Pham Viet Dung, Hoang Ngoc Anh, Dao Thi Bich Ha and Tran Thi Thanh Ha from Ha Noi University of Pedagogy for a project entitled: “SL-STEM Education in the development of environmental awareness among students”.
Consolation prize winners: Nguyen Hai Anh, Do Minh Chau, Chu Thien Khai and instructor Ms. Bui Dieu Linh from Ha Noi with the project: “Water treatment by mucilage extracted from dragon fruit peel”.
Best Irish Project: Austin Campbell, the author of “My streets” project. The project’s main objective is to offer homeless people an opportunity to train and secure employment as tour guides in Dublin and Drogheda.