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Centre For Interreligious Dialogue
Call for Papers for EUARE Interfaith Panel in Vienna --July 8-12 2025 (Proposals due April 4th)

Call for Papers for 2025 EUARE Panel

EuARe Vienna 2025

Panel Call

We are seeking paper proposals for a panel Dr Admirand is chairing at the European Academy of Religion in Wein/Vienna (July 8-12, 2025) entitled “Interfaith Dialogue and Transformation.”


Panel description:

This panel examines transformation and interfaith dialogue through the following seven interlinked themes: 

1. How interfaith dialogue can transform faiths, individuals, and/or communities 

2. Case studies and historical examples of spiritual, religious, political, intellectual, and/or social justice transformations through encounters with religious others 

3. Failures of transformation amidst interfaith encounters 

4. Pioneers of interfaith dialogue and transformation 

5. Key or overlooked texts advocating transformation through interfaith dialogue 

6. How to nurture transformation through interfaith dialogue initiatives in schools, places of worship, rituals, praxis, and pilgrimages, etc. 

7. Obstacles that inhibit transformation through interfaith dialogue or virtues that can promote robust interfaith transformation * 


Proposals of 300-500 words (along with short bio) due: 4 April 2025 (instructions here).

This panel is open to 12 proposals

Email/message peter.admirand@dcu.ie with any initial queries.
