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Centre For Interreligious Dialogue
Prayers and Candles
Prayer candles on New Years Day in San Felipe, Guatemala

Dr Eric Hoenes del Pinal Lecture, November 2nd at 3 PM

Prayer candles on New Years Day in San Felipe, Guatemala

Dr Eric Hoenes del Pinal

Dr Eric Hoenes del Pinal (University of North Carolina, Charlotte) will speak on:


“El Popol Vuh y la Biblia es un Solo Libro: 

Q’eqchi’-Maya Articulations of Indigenous Identity in Contexts of Cultural Change”


When: Thursday, November 2nd at 3 PM (Dublin, Ireland)

Where: Via Zoom (Meeting ID: 941 0828 4986 Passcode: 756002)


This Lecture is also part of Dublin City University’s Theology, Philosophy, and Religious Studies Research Seminars. 

Dr Eric Hoenes del Pinal's latest book

Dr Eric Hoenes del Pinal's latest book



Eric Hoenes del Pinal (B.A. Boston University; Ph.D. University of California, San Diego) joined the UNC Charlotte faculty in 2013. Trained as a cultural and linguistic anthropologist, his approach to the study of religion is strongly ethnographic, with an emphasis on the role of language and non-verbal forms of communication in shaping human interaction. His research interests include the study of global Christianity, the politics of language and culture, and the ethnography of Latin America with special emphasis on indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica. In Guarded by Two Jaguars: A Catholic Parish Divided by Language and Faith he examines the roles of language and non-verbal forms of communication in creating congregational differences between Q’eqchi’-Maya Mainstream and Charismatic Catholics. He is also the co-editor along with Marc Roscoe Loustau and Kristin Norget of Mediating Catholicism: Media in Global Catholic Imaginaries, which examines processes of Catholics’ practices of mediatization in the contemporary world.  Dr. Hoenes del Pinal’s current research project examines the intersection of Catholic and indigenous understandings of human-nature relations in the face of climate change.