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Centre For Interreligious Dialogue
Thai Buddhist Statues
Thai Buddhist Statues

Kari Storstein Haug Lecture

Kari Storstein Haug

Professor Haug

Seminar Details


Professor Haug will speak on:


“Thai Comparative Theologizing.”


When: Thursday, April 20th at 3 PM (Dublin time) 


The Seminar is part of Dublin City University’s Theology, Philosophy, and Religious Studies Research Seminar series.


Professor Haug’s talk will be delivered via ZOOM. Here are the details:

Join Zoom Meeting

Invite Link




Meeting ID: 926 8802 7343

Passcode: 066323

Buddhist-Christian Dialogue in Thailand

Buddhist-Christian Dialogue in Thailand


Kari Storstein Haug is Professor of Missiology at VID Specialized University. She received her PhD in Theology and Religion from the School of Mission and Theology in 2008. Between 1995 and 2003, she served as the Dean of Studies and Lecturer of Biblical Studies at Luther Seminary Thailand. Current research interests include migration and theology, interreligious and intercultural hermeneutics, Christian faith and practice in contexts of religious and cultural diversity, Christianity and Buddhist-Christian encounters in Thailand. She directs the research group Migration, Religion and Intercultural Relations (www.migrel.com) and is the project leader of THAIMIG (Negotiating life strategies in transnational migration. Religion, work, and family life among Thai migrant women in Norway. Her publications include Interpreting Proverbs 11:18–31, Psalm 73, and Ecclesiastes 9:1–12 in Light of, and as a Response to, Thai Buddhist Interpretations. A Contribution to Christian-Buddhist Dialogue (Leiden: Brill, 2012), “Possibilities and Limitations of Interreligious Scripture Reading. Some Reflections Based on Buddhist Readings of Old Testament Wisdom Texts.” Mission Studies 31,2 (2014). “Cultural Affirmation or Innovation? Christian Spirituality in Its Thai Cultural Context.” In Urban Christian Spirituality: East Asian and Nordic Perspectives, eds. Knut Alfsvåg and Thor Strandenæs, 83-101. (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2015). Kirken i verden og verden i kirken. Globale perspektiver på trosopplæringen (The Church in the World and the World in the Church: Global Perspectives on Christian Education). (Stavanger: Hertervig Akademisk, 2016), together with T.S. Drønen, G. Skeie, and G.M. Ådna, “Migration in Missiological Research.” International Review of Mission 107,1 (2018), “Thai Comparative Theologizing: Material and Methodological Reflections.” In World Christianity Methodological Considerations, eds. Martha Frederiks and Dorottya Nagy, 158-178. (Leiden: Brill, 2021). She is one of the three editors of Norwegian Journal of Missiology.