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Centre For Interreligious Dialogue
Pawlikowski lecture

Lecture by Professor John Pawlikowski

Pawlikowski J

John Pawlikowski

Centre for Interreligious Dialogue CIRD) and ICCJ Lecture

Speaker: Professor John Pawlikowski

Lecture Title: "The Changing Face of the Other in Recent Catholic Thought"

When: May 19th at 7 PM via ZOOM

John Pawlikowski is Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics and former Director of the Catholic-Jewish Studies Program at Chicago Theological Union. Professor Pawlikowski has authored more than one hundred scholarly and popular articles on interreligious relations and social ethics. He has also contributed/edited to some twenty published volumes and is recognized as an international leader in the fields of Jewish-Christian Dialogue and post-Holocaust Christian theology. In 2018, Righting Relations after the Holocaust and Vatican II: Essays in Honor of John Pawlikowski, OSM, was published by Paulist Press.

RSVP: Peter.Admirand@dcu.ie

Pawlikowski lecture