Public Talk -- The Gulenist Contribution to Interreligious Dialogue: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Public Lecture:
Title: The Gulenist Contribution to Interreligious Dialogue: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Speaker: Professor Anwar Alam, Senior Fellow with Policy Perspectives Foundation, New Delhi.
Date and time: 21 October 2019 at 10 AM
Where: John Hand Room, DCU All Hallows Campus, Senior House
In partnership with TIECS (Turkish Irish Educational and Cultural Society https://www.tiecs.ie/
Anwar Alam holds a Master and PhD in International Studies from The School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. He defended his Ph.D on Role of Religion in State Polity: A Comparative Study of Egypt, Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Alam is currently Senior Fellow with Policy Perspectives Foundation, New Delhi. Earlier he served as Full Professor at The Department of International Studies, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science, Zirve University, Gaziantep, Turkey; Professor and Director at The Centre for West Asian Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia,; Professor at The Centre for West Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, and Lecturer at Department of Political Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
Dr. Alam has been awarded a number of long term and short term fellowships including the Indian Council of Social Science Research (I.C.S.S.R) Doctoral Fellowship (1991), prestigious Alexander Von Humboldt (AVH) Post Doctoral Fellowship (2004-2006), Germany, AVH Renewed fellowship, Germany (June 2016, May-October 2017), International Visitor Programme (Islamic) Scholarship, (2002) USA, Indo-French Social Scientist Exchange Programme Fellowship (2003, 2010), France. He was Visiting Professor at Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey (2010 –2011). He was an AVH Visiting Fellow Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (MSH), Paris, France, Centre for Citizenship and Ethnicity, Dept. Of Sociology, University of Bristol, UK, and International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM), Leiden, Netherlands in 2005. He was AVH Visiting Fellow at the Department of Philology, Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Germany in 2016 and 2017. He has been Senior Research Consultant to Balus Global Political and Security Risk Gmbh, Munich, Germany since 2014 on South Asian Affairs (on project basis).
Dr Alam has more than 30 articles in national and international journal, in addition to two books, six edited books, one co-edited book and 17 chapters in edited books in the related field of West Asia, Indian politics and Indian foreign policy and Muslim Politics. He has delivered approximately 70 lectures at different academic institutions including universities and Think Tanks within India and abroad, in addition to participation in more than 70 national and international conferences.
His latest publication is For the Sake Of Allah: Origin, Development And Discourse of Gulen Movement (2018, Blue Dome USA) and Understanding the Process of Radicalization Amongst Muslims in India (PPF, 2018). His other recent publications include India, Non-alignment and Emerging Global Governance’, India Quarterly 73(3), 2017, Muslim Minorities in Europe and India: Politics of Accommodation of Islamic Identities (co-edited 2016), ‘Emergence of Muslim Middle Class in Post-Independence India and Its Political Orientations’, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, vol, 35, number 1, 2015, The Arab Spring: A View From India’ in Routledge Handbook of the Arab Spring: Rethinking Democratisation (2014), and ‘Islam and Violence’, GITAM Journal of Gandhian Studies. Vol 3. No 1, 2014. His area of research interests includes International Politics, Politics in West Asia and South Asia, Political Theory and Religion and Politics.