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Centre For Interreligious Dialogue
St Josephs

Dr Admirand Presents at Conference Exploring Christian-Jewish Relations

On January 7-10, 2019, Dr Peter Admirand joined 22 other invited scholars (details HERE) from nine countries to study together major issues in Christian-Jewish relations at the Institute for Jewish-Catholic Relations at St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia. The title of the conference and roundtable was: "Fulfilling the Promise of a New Relationship."

The following papers were presented, followed by roundtable discussion:

Peter Admirand, “Following the Breadcrumbs: Jesus as Superfluous to Salvation? A Catholic Search”

Karmen Ben Johanan, “On the Use and Abuse of Theology in Christian-Jewish Reconciliation”

Mary C. Boys, “Tis a Gift to Be Simple: Elucidating Complexity”

Alan Brill, “The Illumination of the Arc”

Ellen Charry, “For God’s Sake: The Wall of Hostility Has Come Down”

Philip Cunningham, “Musings on Challenges for Christologies and Soteriologies ‘of Shalom’”

Perry Dane, “Paths and Wrong Turns in Interreligious Encounter”

Gavin D’Costa, “A Case for Minimalist Catholic Zionism”

Adam Gregerman, ““Superiority without Supersessionism: Walter Kasper on the Status of God’s Covenant with the Jews after Jesus”

Gregor Maria Hoff, “Beyond a ‘Mission to the Jews’? – Argumentative Perspectives from a Fundamental Theological View”

Stanislaw Krajewski, “To What Extent Can Jewish-Christian Dialogue Be Generalized to Other Interfaith Relations?”

Matthew LaGrone, “Can There Be a Jewish Theology of Mission? A Maimonidean Approach”

Ruth Langer, “Jewish Universalism?: The Nations in the High Holy Day Liturgy”

Leo Lefebure, “The Significance of the Jewishness of Jesus for Dialogues with Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists”

Amy-Jill Levine, “A Response to Gavin D’Costa on A Case for Minimalist Catholic Zionism”

Mark Nanos, “‘The Covenant Never Revoked’: Promising Prospects of Re-visiting the Historical Paul’s Appeal to Covenant”

Peter Pettit, Response to Mark Nanos: “‘The Covenant Never Revoked’: Promising Prospects of Re-visiting the Historical Paul’s Appeal to Covenant”

Emma O’Donnell Polyakov, “Framing Jews through a Christian Lens: Depictions of the Jewish People in Catholic Documents on Jewish-Christian Relations”

Christian Rutishauser, “What Kind of Christian Mission to the Jews?”

Abraham Skorka, “Friendship with Francis and the Blessings of Interreligious Dialogue”

Jesper Svartvik, “‘I Have Come Not to Abolish but to Fulfill.’ Reflections on Understanding Christianity as Fulfillment without Presupposing Supersessionism”

Matthew Tapie, “Aquinas on the ‘Five Ways’ of Fulfillment: Christ’s Fulfillment of the Law in St. Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on Matthew and its relevance for the Jewish-Catholic Dialogue”

Pim Valkenberg, “Jews and Christians as People of Scripture: Moving Beyond Supersessionism?"