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Centre For Interreligious Dialogue

Lecture with Dr Ben Wold, Tues 27 February

The Centre for Interreligious Dialogue welcomes you to join Dr Ben Wold (TCD) for his public talk:

"When Jews Read the New Testament, is it Inter-faith Dialogue?" 

The talk will be held on the DCU All Hallows Campus in Drumcondra House (The Oratory)

on Tuesday, February 27th from 12- 1 PM.   All are welcome! 

Before joining the Department of Religions and Theology at TCD in 2007, Benjamin Wold was Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Institute for Ancient Judaism and Hellenistic Religions (Institut für antikes Judentum und hellenistische Religionsgeschichte) at the University of Tübingen, Germany. In addition to studies at Durham University, both Ph.D. and Post-doctoral, he has also spent time at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. During more than half a decade living and studying in Jerusalem he participated in archaeological excavations, including as a volunteer at excavations at Qumran, and has held fellowships from the American School of Oriental Research/Albright Institute (National Endowment for the Humanities 2012/13 and Senior Associate Fellow 2017). His recent publications include: 4QInstruction: Divisions and Hierarchies (Studies in the Texts of the Desert of Judea; Leiden: Brill, 2017), and the forthcoming monograph, Early Christian Wisdom in the Light of New Discoveries from Qumran (forthcoming 2018).