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Centre For Interreligious Dialogue

Dr Edward Kessler Lecture on Jewish-Christian Dialogue at the DCU All Hallows Campus

Dr Edward Kessler of the Woolf Institute, Cambridge, gave a fascinating lecture to a full house on the DCU All Hallows Campus on 26 September 2016. The event was sponsored by DCU’s Centre for Interreligious Dialogue and the School of Theology, Philosophy, and Music, and was also made possible by the Irish Council of Christians and Jews. The event drew upon the rich theological and interfaith tradition of Mater Dei Institute while showcasing Theology and Philosophy’s robust future in the enhanced Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at DCU.

In Purcell House, Dr Kessler gave a wide-ranging and informative talk entitled “Pope Francis and the Challenges Facing Jewish-Christian Dialogue Today.” On the following day at the Progressive Synagogue in Rathgar, he followed up his lecture with a talk titled: “Jewish-Christian Relations: Reflections from a European Jewish Theologian.” Dr Peter Admirand, the Coordinator of the Centre for Interreligious Dialogue and a co-chair of the Irish Council of Christians and Jews, chaired and introduced Dr Kessler at both events.