Reflection Spaces
All of DCU Chaplaincy's locations are open to students, staff and the public during business hours, with our chapels generally running longer hours to accommodate services. While any of these spaces can be used for reflection and meditation, we also have a number of dedicated spaces for secular and Inter Faith contemplation.
The Inter Faith Centre on the Glasnevin Centre hosts a dedicated Quiet Space and we invite visitors to pray, light a candle or sit and meditate for however long they want or need. Tea and coffee is available in the main part of the Inter Faith Centre before and after. The Chaplaincy is working to establish a similar Quiet Space on the St Patrick's campus.
DCU Glasnevin is also home to the labyrinth: a physical space designed to aid reflection and self-centring. The act of placing one foot carefully before the other to reach the middle of the labyrinth, before retracing one’s steps to the perimeter again, slows the pace of life for a period and can help with clarity of thinking.