Make The Most Of Your Summer: DCU Careers Service

Make The Most Of Your Summer: Competition Entry

Make The Most of Summer 2021!

Tell us about your experiences of Summer 2021 and win some great prizes! Complete this submission form between 9am Wednesday 1st September and 5pm on Friday 3rd September.

Remember, if you are submitting video content you should ensure that:

  • Your videos is between 60 seconds and 90 seconds in length
  • Your video can be uploaded on either your Loop reflect or your own private YouTube channel
  • You need to attach a link for the video on your online submission form

Best of luck with your entry!


GDPR: Safeguarding Your Data

DCU Careers Service (the data controller) treats the protection of the personal data with which it interacts as a key priority and in doing so strives to adhere to best practice in this area. DCU Careers Service uses the contact data you provide for the sole purpose of this competition. Information gathered for DCU purposes will be kept on file for up to 2 years from the end of the academic year in which the event takes place. Further information on the management of personal data and DCU's data protection policy is available here.


Status message

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