Employability Module: Student Survey - Open book in front of bookshelf

Employability Module: Student Survey

Your feedback is important to us!

As you are aware, the online Employability Module is a new development for the Careers Service and now that you have undertaken the module, we welcome your feedback and input on this series of four courses.

Your feedback is anonymous and confidential and we encourage you to offer any positive, negative or constructive feedback based on your interactions with the module during the months of November and December 2020.

Thank you for your engagement and contribution.

For any queries please contact your Career Consultant, Elaine Daly: elaine.daly@dcu.ie


GDPR: Safeguarding Your Data

DCU Careers Service (the data controller) treats the protection of the personal data with which it interacts as a key priority and in doing so strives to adhere to best practice in this area. Information gathered for DCU purposes will be kept on file for up to 2 years from the end of the academic year in which the event takes place. Further information on the management of personal data and DCU's data protection policy is available here.


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