DCU Business School header
Business School


Primary Department
Business School
Associate Dean for Research
Work Area/Key Responsibilities
Enterprise & Innovation Group
Prof Theo Lynn
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Professor Theo Lynn is (Full) Professor of Digital Business and Associate Dean for Research at DCU Business School. Professor Lynn specializes in the role of digital technologies in transforming business and society. His main teaching areas are strategy and digital marketing. He has been published widely including JASIST, the European Journal of Marketing, Information, Communications and Society, Computers and Human Behavior, New Media & Society, the Journal of Distributed and Parallel Computing, the International Journal of Advertising, European Planning Studies and others. He is the Series Editor on the Palgrave Studies in Digital Business & Enabling Technologies. He is a regular speaker at both academic and industry conferences. 

He is currently Centre Co-Director at the Irish Institute of Digital Business and was formerly Principal Investigator of the Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce, an EI/IDA funded Cloud Computing Technology Centre (2011-2018), Associate Dean at DCU Business School (2015-17; 2020-21), Business Innovation Platform Director for DCU (2015-2016) and Director of the Leadership, Innovation and Knowledge Research Centre at DCU (2009-2011).  He has won over 250 grants representing over €20m in total project funding. He was a PI on the Horizon 2020 CloudLightning Project (2015-2017) and Horizon 2020 RECAP Project (2017-2019); he is currently a PI on the Horizon 2020 RINNO project (2020-2024) and the Horizon 2020 ERASMUS+ MENA-Preneurs Project (2021-2023).

Professor Lynn received a Bachelor in Business and Legal Studies, an MBS (Management Information Systems) and a PhD (Law), all from University College Dublin. He has been a Visiting Professor to Tec de Monterrey (Mexico), Northeastern University (China), and Tongji University (China) amongst others. He has taught modules in corporate finance law and information systems and database design at UCD and digital marketing and business analytics at NUI Maynooth. Professor Lynn is an Expert Evaluator for the European Commission and Qatar National Research Fund.

Professor Lynn has founded a number of companies incl. Enki Information Systems, Educational Multimedia Group and Atomic Assets, the businesses of which have been acquired by Rochford Brady Group, Intuition and Cambridge University Press respectively.  He advises a number of domestic and international companies.

Research interests

Understanding the nature and impact of digital technologies that accelerate, optimise and transform processes, organisations, and society including cloud computing, social media, big data analytics (incl. AI), mobile and IOT technologies, and blockchain.