Shows graphic banner depicting a hand shake in DCU's official colours
DCU Institute for Business and Society
Shows DCU Business School at night

About us

DCU Institute for Business and Society undertakes impactful and engaged research on innovative, sustainable and trustworthy practices in business and society. 

The Institute provides an environment that fosters collaboration and supports the development of teams of researchers that produce impactful insights and advancements. Our research teams of Academic Faculty, Post-Doctoral Researchers, and Post-Graduate Research Students (PhDs and Masters by Research) comprise academic and industry expertise from within the Business School, from across DCU, and from our international academic partners. 

Collaboration with industry, government, and international academic partners is a key aspect of our work. The Institute hosts major externally funded projects and networks, producing high-impact academic publications and industry practice reports.

Institute Director:  Professor Colm O'Gorman


Address: Institute for Business & Society, DCU Business School, Dublin 9, Ireland.


Shows DCU Business School researchers at institute launch

The Institute’s primary thematic research programmes are: 

  • Trust and people, organisations and disruptive technologies [trustLAB]
  • Decent and sustainable work [OBAIR]
  • Entrepreneurial behaviours across generations in family businesses [Centre for Family Business]
  • Discourses and policies that reduce online harms in sport [International Network for Online Harms in Sport].


In addition, research teams, organised into Special Interest Groups, focus on specific aspects of innovative, sustainable and trustworthy practices and specific organisational contexts: 

  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
  • Risk & Crisis Management (R4I)
  • Sustainable Aviation Hub
  • FinLAB (Sustainable finance and fintech)
  • Technological and Corporate Innovation
  • Contemporary Accounting and Governance
  • Business & Public Policy.

Primary Thematic Research Programmes

Shows Dr Lisa van Der Werff
Shows Dr Lisa van Der Werff

Dr Lisa van Der Werff

Lead: Prof. Lisa van Der Werff

trustLAB, established in 2021, is one of the largest research groups on trust in Europe – with over 30 researchers, including 11 DCU faculty, research students and international members. trustLAB is focused on developing a multidisciplinary understanding of trust processes that supports positive work relationships across a variety of contexts. Prof. van der Werff is the President of FINT, First International Network on Trust, (, an international network of approximately 800 scholars studying trust within and between organisations. trustLAB has strong links with ECIU (European Consortium of Innovative Universities) member University of Twente as well as the University of Glasgow, Georgia State University and University of Basel.


Shows Dr Margaret Heffernan
OBAIR: Decent and Sustainable Work
shows dr margaret heffernan

Dr Margaret Heffernan

Lead: Dr. Margaret Heffernan

OBAIR is a research group that collaborates with organisations and policymakers to shape the future of work, management, and careers, aiming to create fair and sustainable workplaces. We are a multi-disciplinary group of researchers with backgrounds in human resource management, industrial relations, organisational psychology, leadership and OB, and accounting. 

Our core mission is to promote decent and sustainable work and support the delivery of quality jobs along with social protection and respect for rights at work to achieve sustainable, inclusive economic growth.  We aim to do this by building on the significant academic expertise of our group members, our strong national and international research partnerships, winning research funding support, and active industry engagement.  


Shows Dr Eric Clinton
Centre for Family Business (CFB)
Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship NCFB Director

Dr Eric Clinton

Lead: Dr. Eric Clinton

CFB, founded in 2013, is Ireland's leading family business research centre. Working with international academic partners from the world’s leading family business research centres and with family business practitioners, CFB produces research that readily translates into evidence-based practice that we share with family businesses nationally and internationally. Dr Eric Clinton is Ireland’s national representative on STEP, the largest global research project on family business.


Shows Dr Gary Sinclair
International Network for Online Harms in Sport
Gary Sinclair

Dr. Gary Sinclair

Lead: Dr. Gary Sinclair

The International Network for Online Harms in Sport is a multi-disciplinary group of researchers, stakeholders from sport, industry and civil society. The network has established a distinctive expertise in social media data analysis on the topic of hate speech and online abuse and in stakeholder engagement with federations, clubs, coaches, athletes, media and fans. This network is impacting discourses and policies that reduce online harms in sport and extending academic knowledge on this subject. The network has attracted both academic and industry funding. Dr Gary Sinclair is the Principal Investigator of the Tackling Online Hate in Football a research project (2021-2025) funded by UK Research and Innovation-Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Irish Research Council. He is also the co-PI of the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile United Against Online Abuse research project.


Special Interest Themes

Shows windmill
DCU’s BA in Climate and Environmental Sustainability

A focus on Sustainability

The Institute’s sustainability research explores how environmental challenges and social responsibility are impacting organisations and industries. 


  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Group. Led by Yuhui Gao, this group examines the integration of ESG factors into business practices.


  • Risk & Crisis Management (R4I). Led by Caroline McMullan, this group focuses on understanding and mitigating sustainability-related risks, including climate change impacts, and how governments and businesses can respond to climate and other emergencies. 


  • Sustainable Aviation Hub. Led by Marina Efthymiou, this group conducts research on the environmental, social and economic sustainability of the aviation sector, exploring innovative solutions for promoting sustainable growth.


  • finLAB (Sustainable Digital Finance). Led by Aref Mahdavi Ardekani, this lab investigates how finance can support the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Shows data
Data Analysis for Advanced Manufacturing

A focus on Innovation and New Technologies

The Institute works with business and public sector organisations on the theme of innovation to explore and understand the dynamics of innovation within organizations and across industries. Our research explores the innovation within organisations and industries, including digitalisation processes and the impact of AI. 


  • Technological and Corporate Innovation Group. Led by Peter Robbins, this group examines the drivers of innovation within organizations, industries, and economies, exploring topics such as technology adoption, open innovation, and intellectual property management.


  • finLAB (fintech). Led by Aref Mahdavi Ardekani, this lab explores the transformative potential of fintech, examining its impact on financial services and business models.


  • Contemporary Accounting and Governance Group. Led by Brid Murphy this group examines the changing role of accounting and governance practices in organisations.
Shows screen with data
The Public Policy Evaluation

Policy Impact

The Institute is committed to translating its research into actionable insights for policymakers at international, national, and local levels.


  • Business & Public Policy Special Interest Group. Led by Julie Bertz, this group explores the development of local policies by building connections between academics, policymakers, and industry practitioners. It provides a business and public policy platform for the ongoing exchange of innovative research, ideas, and practices through seminars, workshops, publications, and collaborations - both nationally and globally.


  • Sustainable Aviation Hub. Led by Marina Efthymiou, this hub provides policy recommendations for the aviation sector, focusing on sustainability, and regulatory frameworks.


  • Risk & Crisis Management (R4I). Led by Caroline McMullan, this group provides policy insights on managing national and organizational risks, including those related to climate change.

Special Interest Groups

Shows Dr Aref Mahdavi Ardekani
Dr. Aref Mahdavi Ardekani

Dr Aref Mahdavi Ardekani

This lab investigates how finance can support the transition to a low-carbon economy, the
transformative potential of fintech, examining its impact on financial services and business models.

Lead: Dr Aref Mahdavi Ardekani

Shows Dr Yuhui Gao
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Group
Dr Yuhui Gao

Dr Yuhui Gao

This group examines the integration of ESG factors into business practices.

Lead: Yuhui Gao.

Shows Dr Caroline McMullan
Risk and Crisis Management (R4I)
Shows Professor Caroline McMullan

Prof Caroline McMullan

Led by Prof Caroline McMullan, this group focuses on understanding and mitigating sustainability-related
risks, including climate change impacts, and how governments and businesses can respond to climate
and other emergencies. The group provides policy insights on managing national and organizational
risks, including those related to climate change.

Lead: Prof Caroline McMullan

Shows Dr Marina Efthymiou
Sustainable Aviation Hub
Prof. Marina Efthymiou

Dr Marina Efthymiou

This group conducts research on the environmental, social and economic sustainability of the aviation
sector, exploring innovative solutions for promoting sustainable growth. This group provides policy
recommendations for the aviation sector, focusing on sustainability, and regulatory frameworks.

Lead: Dr Marina Efthymiou.

Shows Dr Peter Robbins
Technological and Corporate Innovation Group
Peter Robbins

Dr Peter Robbins

This group examines the drivers of innovation within organizations, industries, and economies,
exploring topics such as technology adoption, open innovation, and intellectual property management.

Lead: Dr Peter Robbins

Shows Dr Brid Murphy
Contemporary Accounting and Governance Group
Shows Dr Brid Murphy

Dr Brid Murphy

This group examines the changing role of accounting and governance practices in organisations.

Lead: Dr Brid Murphy.

Shows Dr Julie Bertz
Business and Public Policy Special Interest Group
Shows Dr Julie Bertz

Dr Julie Bertz

This group explores the development of local policies by building connections between academics,
policymakers, and industry practitioners. It provides a business and public policy platform for the
ongoing exchange of innovative research, ideas, and practices through seminars, workshops,
publications, and collaborations - both nationally and globally.

Lead: Dr Julie Bertz.