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School of Arts Education & Movement

Flourish, Shelter and Mayhem

BEd4 Students Studying AP405 - Subject Leadership and Creative Teaching in Visual Arts

Flourish, Shelter and Mayhem


BEd4 students studying AP405 (Subject leadership and creative teaching in visual arts) co-curated this exhibition comprising art pieces from their personal project portfolio which explored one of the themes above. Informed by visual research, they interrogated their theme from different perspectives using whatever medium they wished. They undertook pre and post self-evaluation regarding creative habits of mind. Many identified persistence, daring to be different and sharing the product as key subhabits for personal development.   


Through AP405, students composed a personal professional manifesto for visual arts education in primary school. They examined theory relating to creativity and extended subject connoisseurship and their repertoire of techniques. The average person spends only a few seconds looking at visual art. We invite you to look a little longer, ‘read’ what you see, and think about how each piece affects you. How does the work make you feel and think? How would you like to respond? What kind of art would you like to create? What questions do you have for the artist?

Flourish, Shelter and Mayhem - B Ed4 AP405 Subject leadership and creative teaching in visual arts
Flourish, Shelter and Mayhem - B Ed4 AP405 Subject leadership and creative teaching in visual arts
Flourish, Shelter and Mayhem - B Ed4 AP405 Subject leadership and creative teaching in visual arts
Flourish, Shelter and Mayhem - B Ed4 AP405 Subject leadership and creative teaching in visual arts
Flourish, Shelter and Mayhem - B Ed4 AP405 Subject leadership and creative teaching in visual arts
Flourish, Shelter and Mayhem - B Ed4 AP405 Subject leadership and creative teaching in visual arts
Flourish, Shelter and Mayhem - B Ed4 AP405 Subject leadership and creative teaching in visual arts
Flourish, Shelter and Mayhem - B Ed4 AP405 Subject leadership and creative teaching in visual arts
Flourish, Shelter and Mayhem - B Ed4 AP405 Subject leadership and creative teaching in visual arts