Anti-corruption Research Centre

COGS First Stakeholders Meeting in Burkina Faso
The COGS Team held its first Stakeholders' meeting in Burkina Faso on Wednesday, June 15, 2022. More details about the programme can be found here in English and French.
COGS Lunch Event
DCU Anti-Corruption Research Centre cordially invites you to the launch of its Irish Research Council's funded project, Corruption, Gender, and Sustainable Development (COGS).
Date: April 04, 2022
Time: 11:00 to 12:00
Summer 2020
The official launch of DCU’s Anti-Corruption Research Centre is taking place on Monday, June 29th.
Minister Paschal Donohoe will be officially launch the centre during a special virtual event, which gets underway at 11am.
No registration is required - please go to www.dcu.ie/arc/arclaunch