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Access Service

DCU Access to the Workplace 2025

Student Application Form

DCU Access to the Workplace (ATTW) Internships commence in May/June 2025 and can run until the end of August 2025. Please note that the duration of an internship may vary, however a student will receive a minimum paid internship for 4 weeks. The maximum length of an internship will be 12 weeks. You must be available for the entire duration of your internship.

If you have any questions about ATTW or this application form, please contact


  • Current Application & Consent
  • Application
  • Complete

Section 1: Compliance

Data Protection and Retention Statement

Personal data that you submit via this application form to the DCU Access Service (a unit within DCU, the Data Controller) in connection with DCU Educational Trust, will be used to process your application for the ATTW programme and will be treated in accordance with the DCU Data Privacy Policy and DCU Data Retention Policy.

DCU shall only process such data for the purpose of which you provide it and to the extent necessary to process your application in line with the regulations attached to this programme. You have the right to withdraw your consent to data processing and you also have the right to access any data you submit on request. The data you submit will be held for the duration of your studies in DCU, plus 3 years post graduation by the DCU Access Service and DCU Educational Trust. 

As this is an externally funded programme that requires sharing data with DCU, DCU Educational Trust and third parties, including donors, programme partners and evaluators, all data sharing will be fully compliant with Data Protection Laws and GDPR principles. 

As the Data Controller, DCU will ensure all data protection and protocols will be followed to safeguard individuals and their privacy. Data produced and published for programme research purposes will be anonymised and prior consent will be sought from programme participants. 

Personal data provided in this application will only be disclosed to staff and agents of DCU, including third party employers, in order to assess and process your ATTW application. 

The ATTW team may be contacted at or if further clarification is required.

By selecting yes below, you are agreeing to having read and understood this Data Protection and Retention Statement and consent (i.e. the applicable legal basis) to the DCU Access Service obtaining, processing and retaining your personal data for purposes described on this form.

CV Sharing

As a participant in the ATTW programme, there is a requirement to share your CV and cover letter with persons within the DCU Access Service (a unit within DCU, the Data Controller), DCU Educational Trust, DCU Careers Service and external employers who support and donate to this programme. 

The purpose of sharing these documents is to assist the programme team with the student/employer matching process associated with the ATTW programme. Your personal data will be treated in accordance with the DCU Data Privacy Policy and DCU Data Retention Policy

The data you submit will be held for the duration of your studies in DCU, plus 3 years post graduation by the DCU Access Service and DCU Educational Trust.  You have the right to withdraw your application and consent at any time and you also have the right to access any data you submit on request. 

The ATTW team may be contacted at if further clarification is required.

By selecting yes below, you are consenting to DCU Access Service sharing your CV and cover letter with the name parties above, only for the purposes associated with this programme.

Consent to share CV