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Access to the Workplace 2025

Employer Requirements Form

DCU Access to the Workplace is an award-winning programme that provides professional summer internships for DCU Access students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, and for neurodiverse students. Leading Irish companies, who also make a donation to support Access scholarships at DCU, host the internships.

To assist with the student/employer matching process, employers are requested to complete an Employer Requirements Form, which will give us an indication of what type of student you would like to hire and also outline the type of internship opportunity available. Following a review of student applications, CVs and cover letters and the Employer Requirements Form, every attempt will be made to align the student and employer’s interests.

We would appreciate you taking the time to complete this Employer Requirements Form as accurately and as detailed as possible. 

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Access to the Workplace 2025 - Employer Requirements Form

DCU Access to the Workplace (ATTW) provides underrepresented students with a paid, high-quality internship during their summer break, hosted by leading Irish companies participating in the programme. 

Section 1 of 3: Company Information

This information will be shared with your matched student.

Q3. Business industry

Please indicate your business industry (or closest match)

Section 2 of 3: Requirements

This section will outline the internship opportunity on offer, your preferred programme of study and the skills & knowledge you desire from your matched student. 

Click here for further information on courses and modules taught at DCU.

Following DCU GDPR protocol, CVs will be sent via a secured file-sender service to one designated contact in your company. A password will then be sent by SMS to gain access to the CV.

Therefore, please provide the full name, job title, phone number and email address of the designated contact.

Q5. Which department will the student be placed in?

If possible, please include a list of key duties.

Q7. Please state your top 2 preferred DCU faculties from the list below that best suits your needs in terms of student suitability

e.g. administration skills, Excel skills, software knowledge, Garda vetting, first aid training, safe pass certification, etc.

Q9. What type of internship do you intend to offer?


Take a look at our Virtual Internship Toolkit and Mentoring Guide to support you in providing a virtual or hybrid internship this summer.

Internships can take place anytime between Monday 12th May and Friday 29th August 2025. Please provide specific dates of when the internship will take place.

Q11. The programme requires you to pay the student at least €13.50 per hour (in line with the National Minimum Wage) and provide a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 40 hours per week. Please state if this is possible for you to provide

(e.g. shift work, weekends, nights, etc.) Please give as much detail as possible. Skip this question if not relevant.

Q13. Please select which measures your company can put in place to ensure that the internship is a success.

Q14. The programme encourages companies to assign a workplace mentor/buddy to the student. Please state if this is possible for you to provide

Note: the ATTW Team will assist your employee with the mentoring process if required.

Q15. What information and/or contact will you require from the student before the commencement of their internship?

Is there any additional information you would like us to take into consideration when matching a student with your organisation?

Section 3 of 3: Compliance

DCU will provide organisations with the CV of the matched student. By participating in the programme, the employer confirms that they will not use the CV and the information contained therein for any purpose other than that for which it was originally provided. 

Compliance statement: