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Welcome to DCU Access to the Workplace

DCU Access to the Workplace (ATTW) is an award-winning programme that provides professional summer internships for DCU Access students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, and for neurodivergent students. Leading Irish companies, who also make a donation to support Access scholarships at DCU, host the internships.

We created the programme to level the playing field for Access students, because Higher Education Authority research told us that students from disadvantaged areas earn less than students from more affluent areas, even when they graduate with the same degree and grades.

How does it work?

Access To The Workplace How 1


  • All students participate in a pre-internship Work Readiness Programme covering topics such as CV writing, interview preparation and workplace etiquette. 
  • Students then submit a CV to the Access to the Workplace Coordinator who matches them with an available internship.
Access To The Workplace How


  • Organisations that support Access scholarships can participate in DCU Access to the Workplace if they can employ a student for 4—12 weeks between May and August, providing at least 30 hours work per week at the minimum wage or above.  
  • Internships may be virtual, hybrid or on-site.
  • Organisations are offered a student match based on a job description they provide.


Access To The Workplace Video 1

"Access to the Workplace has prepared me for my INTRA placement next year"

Faruq Raji

BSc Computer Applications

DCU Access Student

Access To The Workplace Video 2

"We were really inspired at Vodafone to support the DCU Access programme"

Claudine McMahon

Head of Talent
