Water Institute

Water Institute Agri Strategy Launched!


The agri-food sector is one of Ireland’s most important indigenous industries, employing approximately 50,000 people directly, 150,000 people collectively, as well as providing the primary outlet for the produce of 128,000 family farms. The industry has an annual output of over €24 billion, incorporating a multi-billion export industry. The agriculture and food sectors in Ireland account for:

10.5% of total exports               7.0% of GVA at Factor Cost         

7.7% of employment                32% (approx.) of Net Foreign Earnings from export

Drivers of Agricultural Activity

The Food Harvest 2020 Report was developed in 2010 as a cohesive roadmap for the agri-food industry to build capacity, adapt to challenge and grow in the context of emerging opportunities over the next 10 years. The pressure that agriculture exerts on water as a resource is set to increase and the EPA has highlighted that the projected 50% increase in dairy production under Food Harvest 2020 will pose a significant threat to water. Additionally, the lifting of dairy quotas in 2015 is also expected to contribute to a major surge in dairy outputs and associated water use. Agricultural pollution must be dealt with, as a matter of urgency, if we are to meet the targets of the Water Framework Directive.

Problem Areas

(i)                 Volume of water used


  1. Drinking water for livestock
  2. Process water
  3. Process cleaning water
  4. Irrigation of grasslands

(ii)               Water contamination


  1. Herbicides and pesticides used on grassland
  2. Bio-waste from livestock
  3. Widespread use of antibiotics
  4. Phosphates and nitrates leading to eutrophication


The DCU Water Institute offers expertise that addresses the ever-increasing pressure on our water and waste water systems with the following portfolio of expertise:

Membrane Technologies

Data Analytics


Water Use and Reuse


Solid Agricultural Waste Management

Separation and Characterisation



This expertise facilitates monitoring, prediction, modelling, informed decision making, prevention and treatment and will contribute to reduced pressure on the

consumption of water as well as the increased safety and security of our water quality.

For more information contact Jane Wall, jane.wall@dcu.ie, or call DCU Water Institute on 01-7008514