Water Institute

EPA Passive Sampling Workshop

Passive Sampling Workshop 5th November

The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) has identified a list of priority and relevant pollutants. New and emerging chemicals are being added to monitoring requirements year on year and a Watch List is growing the numbers of chemicals that being investigated in Europe. It can be challenging to achieve sufficiently low detection limits to measure some priority substances at environmentally relevant concentrations and thus determine compliance with environmental quality standards (EQSs). Furthermore, infrequent traditional grab sampling of water is ineffective at identifying transient pollution events, although cost generally precludes high frequency samples in coastal waters. More sensitive biological techniques have demonstrated that many compounds have biological effects at trace levels. This has highlighted the importance of developing methods with low detection limits, and driven the development of more representative sampling methodologies. 

The workshop will be a host to a number of renowned speakers, both agency and academic, and is a must for all those working in the water space, particularly in the area of new and emerging contaminants.


For more information, please contact Jane Wall at jane.wall@dcu.ie