Water Institute
Coastal Explorers

September News from Coastal Explorers!

  • Updates from our field program

  • A profile of our partner Parks Canada at Terra Nova National Park
  • The launch of a new video as part of our crowdfunding campaign
  • Updates from the Field - September 2015 

    • We have an exciting new opportunity for high school students who are participating in the 2015/2016 Science & Technology Fair!  High school students participating in our Hebron Project Marine Science and Technology Enrichment Program will join us on weekends this October and to use our vessel as a platform for ocean research. Students will learn how to use ocean technology and scientific tools to collect data to answer their research question. 
    • Back to school means back to the field!  Our school programs with grade 4-12 classes are underway and we're having so much fun exploring the ocean with students.  Interested in finding out more? Get in touch to request a teacher information package!
    • Together with our partner, the MUN Department of Ocean Sciences, we are once again offering a hands-on lab program for high school Biology classes in Logy Bay, that is linked to the 'biodiversity unit'.  This program is offered during October and November.  
    • To find out more about any of these opportunities please contact Chelsie by email: chelsiea@olp.oceansnl.net
    • Partner Profile:
    • Parks Canada,Terra Nova National Park

      Did you know our Coastal Explorers field experiences originated in Terra Nova National Park through programming with Parks Canada?  Oceans Learning Partnership has collaborated with Parks Canada from the very beginning and we are so pleased to call them our partner!

      Highlights From Our Social Media

      Follow our social networks for the latest stories related to ocean science, new discoveries, ocean technology, and outdoor education – and to see what we're up to on a regular basis.
      @CoastalXNL: TwitterTumblr, VineInstagramcknowledgements: The Oceans Learning Partnership is generously supported by the Hebron Project, the provincial government of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (AOCA).

      For more information, contact Chelsie Archibald, OLP Program Manager at: 