NS5057 | Surgical Skills for Healthcare Practitioners

Module summary

This is a level 9 (Masters Level) 10 ECTS credit stand-alone module, accredited by DCU as a micro-credential and approved the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI). Delivered using a blended learning approach, theoretical and clinical skills content facilitated by expert clinicians are further supported through clinical supervision in the learner’s work environment. Competency based assessments underpin the development of skills proficiency.  

Attendance for this module is required for 4 individual days spread over a 12-week semester starting mid-January 2024 (module dates will be available in August 2023).  100% attendance will be required on DCU contact days. In addition, engagement with online learning activities will be required throughout the course of the module. Candidates will need good internet connection.

Who should attend

Nurses/Midwives that are likely to encounter the need to undertake minor surgical skin procedures in their work environment. This includes practitioners working in varied roles /clinical settings within healthcare organisations and who encounter situations where a clear need may emerge to develop and expand their existing practice (within their scope of professional practice as determined by an appropriate regulatory body). Candidates will be required to furnish a completed ‘Engagement Agreement for Clinical Supervision Process’ from their employing authority/line manager or Intern coordinator (where relevant) prior to module commencement. This form accompanies the module application form.

Topics to include

• Patient assessment/treatment options

• Lesion identification/management

• Local anesthesia administration –risks and management 

Wound/Sharp debridement



• Suturing - materials/techniques/wound closure

  • • Punch biopsies & curettage
  • • Ellipse marking/excision
  • • Deep dermal suturing & wound closure

• Abscesses/cyst/in-grown toenail management

• Discharge advice/aftercare

• Clinical Governance/Medico-legal aspects

• Protocol development/audit

Benefits to practitioners

This module aims to equip candidates with the requisite knowledge, skills, attributes, and capabilities to meet the needs of patients who may require minor surgical skin procedures. It supports existing and expanding professional roles in practice. It provides an opportunity for accredited learning to assist in formal career advancement structures and requirements (where applicable) that may include expansion of existing practice.

Module assessment 

The module is assessed by completion of a portfolio of evidence comprising competency assessment of skills, critique of best evidence to inform guideline/protocol development and Reflective practice. 

Dates of delivery: TBC
Cost of module: €1,250
Deadline for applications: TBC

For further information on the module please contact:

Dr Therese Leufer via email: therese.leufer@dcu.ie