Research Newsletter - Issue 83: Funding Success

Erasmus+ Teacher Academy

Dr. Margaret Farren and Dr. Yvonne Crotty, International Centre for Innovation and Workplace Learning and Institute of Education, were successful in the SYNAPSES Erasmus+ Teacher Academy application focused on establishing teacher education networks and communities of practice on Teaching for Sustainability Citizenship. Project partners are from Ireland, Germany, Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Portugal, and Greece, along with the European Association of School Heads.  

SYNAPSES will help teachers learn to use innovative forms of instruction (inquiry-based, project-based, game-based) and tools (e.g. access to rich scientific data archives, virtual and remote experimentations, animations) and more generally think differently about their students’ learning of and about the environment, science and technology.

This is one of 16 new Erasmus+ Teacher Academies awarded by the Europe Commission in March 2023, to  create networks of communities of practice on teacher education and promote excellence in teacher education in Europe. The 16 new Erasmus+ Teacher Academies, will benefit from almost €22.5 million from the Erasmus+ budget

Further information on the 2023 Erasmus+ Teacher Academies: 16 new Erasmus+ Teacher Academies to promote excellence in teacher education in Europe | European Education Area.