Research Appeal Form

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Research Appeal Form

Semester 1 and Semester 2, 2022 Examination Results

Please read the Examination Appeals Procedure P31 document carefully before completing this form. All relevant sections of the form must be completed and submitted online here within 10 days of the promulgation of your examination results on-line (which is 25 May 2022). The closing date is 7 June 2022 at 5.00 pm. Late submissions will not be accepted. If you have any queries you can contact the following email:  

If you experience any technical difficulties submitting the form you can contact Information Systems Services at email: 

If you require any assistance with completing the form you can contact Student Support and Development at email:

Personal Data Protection Notice

In the context of your Examination Appeal application any personal data that you provide to Dublin City University (the ‘Data Controller’) will be used for the purpose of the Examination Appeal only and will be submitted to the Office of the Vice President Academic Affairs (Registrar).

The personal data is being collected and processed on the basis of your consent.

The personal data will not be shared with any third party, other than those working with the University on normal University business, and only in line with the purpose for which you provided it. In the case of the Examination Appeal application the data will be shared with members of the DCU Examination Appeals Board and its sub-committees, the Programme Chair and Registry.
You have the right of access to your own personal data. The contact details for exercising this right is through the DCU Data Protection Unit, Chief Operating Officer’s Office, Dublin City University or alternatively at