COVID-19 Working Arrangements Toolkit

Manager Checklist


  • Put in place all control measures for your Department, prior to permitting staff to return to campus. This includes carrying out a risk assessment and updating your Safety Statement and making available to all staff. Refer to the University’s Phased Return to Work Safety Protocol Checklists (insert link) when implementing the above control measures.
  • Change your department’s work practices so that the contacts among employees are restricted to the minimum required to complete the task. Try to ensure employees only work with the same group of people when on campus.
  • Liaise with the Health & Safety Team if you have any queries regarding additional measures appropriate for your School/Unit.
  • Appoint a COVID-19 Local Co-ordinator/s and have a back-up in place in the event of an absence.
  • Download and use the Safezone App and ensure that employees in your department are compliant with this control measure.

Mental health and wellbeing

  • Build team morale - Remember that team members are likely to be experiencing stress and in the new normal, employees should be treated with compassion and patience. Make sure to acknowledge any concern, acknowledge any employee concerns or worries and make sure to be sensitive about how you communicate changes to the new operating environment. Ensure employees are made aware of the Employee Assistance Programmes. 
  • Communicate clearly and often - Communicate during COVID-19 as you would a major disruption. Maintain regular communication with each employee on a team and/or one-to-one basis. 
  • Provide regular and detailed feedback to your team will keep them on task as well as motivated to complete assigned tasks. Make sure also to invite two-way communication. Your team members should understand that their opinions about their work matter.

Printable checklist