Business School

DCU Business School - Developments at DCUBS

DCU Business School


Exciting New Features to MBS in Marketing

29th June 2009

DCUBS is delighted to announce the introduction of exciting new modules to its popular MBS in Marketing programme. The new modules will be introduced in time for the next intake of students to the programme in September 2009.

A new 'Immersion Week'  will introduce students to the programme and to each other, while providing them with....

In addition to core marketing subjects, participants will elect to follow a 'Marketing Practitioner' or 'Digital Marketer' specialism.

Among the exciting new modules on offer will be Sports Marketing, Global Marketing, Marketing and Society, Next Generation Marketing, Web Design and Digital Media, and Strategic Thinking in the Information Age.

A special module on Next Generation Management will....

The evolution of the programme reflects the changing nature of marketing and the evolving role of the marketer in business and society.

The one-year full-time programme is open to graduates of marketing or business graduates who hold a significant specialism in marketing. Exceptional candidates from other disciplines are also invited to apply. 

Applications are now being accepted for September 2009 entry. Apply online via the Postgraduate Applications Centre at


New Indicative Academic Structure: MBS in Marketing

Semester 1  
Core Immersion Week   
  Market Research
  Brand Management and International Marketing Communications
  Marketing Metrics
  Strategic Marketing Management
  The Changing Consumer
Semester 2  
Options Choose three options from one stream and one additional module from either stream
The Marketing Practitioner  
Global Marketing
Marketing and Society
  Corporate Strategy
  Applied Marketing
  Services and Tourism
  Sports Marketing
  Strategic Sales Management
  Business Finance
The Digital Marketer Next Generation Marketing
Web Design and Digital Media
  Strategic Thinking in the Information Age
  Management Information Systems
  Applied Marketing
  Operations Management
Core Next Generation Management
  Group Practicum