Business School

DCU Business School - Developments at DCUBS

DCU Business School

Research at DCUBS

Research Interests: Accounting

Accounting researchers are active, and supervise PhD research, in the following areas:

• Management Accounting and Control Systems
Various aspects of accounting control systems, money laundering and pricing are currently being researched. In addition, there is a range of projects ongoing concerning the role of accounting in different processes and settings such as new product development, healthcare management and the hospitality sector.

• Accounting and Business Education
Current projects include: learning experiences of accounting and business students in second and third level and within the accounting profession; self-efficacy and academic self-confidence; continuing professional development; burnout among academics; retention and dropout in accounting and business programmes.

• Accounting and Business Information Systems
Specific topics of interest are ERP systems and Management Accounting Change.

• The Accounting Profession
Projects include investigations of ethical issues in accounting and implications for control, governance, regulation, disciplinary processes of professional accounting bodies, auditor independence, and the audit expectations gap.

Among the key researchers in Accounting who may be available as PhD supervisors are: Prof. Bernard Pierce, Prof. Marann Byrne, Dr. Mary Canning, Dr. Barbara Flood, Dr. Ruth Mattimoe and Dr. Tom McCluskey.