Business School

Center for Research on Student-Learning and Teaching


Professional Accounting Education - Publications

Referred Articles

  • Flood, B. and Wilson, R.M.S. (2008) An exploration of the learning approaches of prospective professional accountants in Ireland, Accounting Forum, 32(3), 225-239.
  • Byrne, M. and Flood, B. (2003) Defining the Present and Shaping the Future: The Changing Nature of Accounting Education in Ireland, Journal of Accounting Education, 21(3), 197-213.

Recent Conference Papers

  • Murphy, B., Hassall, T. and Joyce, J. (2008) Perceptions of professionalism and competence: initial empirical findings, British Accounting Association Education SIG Annual Conference, University of Seville, Spain, 19-21 May.
  • Flood, B. and Wilson, R. (2007) ‘A qualitative exploration of students’ perceptions of learning outcomes within professional accounting education’, Irish Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference, IT Tralee, 1—11 May.