Video Finder

Letter Term Description Category
I Implantation - Natural (Fingerspelling)

In humans, implantation is the stage at which the embryo adheres to the wall of the uterus. This usually occurs 8-9 days after fertilisation.

I Infrared

Infrared waves, or infrared light, are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. People encounter Infrared waves every day; the human eye cannot see it, but humans can detect it as heat.

I Implantation - Natural

In humans, implantation is the stage at which the embryo adheres to the wall of the uterus. This usually occurs 8-9 days after fertilisation.

I International Time Zone

A geographical area or region throughout which the same standard time is observed.

I Immigrant

A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.

Environmental Science
I Infection (Fingerspelling)

An invasion of the body by harmful microorganisms.

I Intersecting Line

Lines that meet or cross each other at a single point in a plane.

I Immigration

The action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country.

Environmental Science
I Infection

An invasion of the body by harmful microorganisms.

I Inhalation (Fingerspelling)

Drawing air into the lungs.
