DLSS ADHD Group 2024

ADHD Group for All students

The Occupational Therapists (OTs) in the Disability & Learning Support Service are here to help students manage the occupations and activities of student life. If you're looking to enhance your academic performance, general well-being, time management, or communication skills, our Occupational Therapy Groups can provide the support you need. 

ADHD Support Group 

Our current group is designed for students who have been diagnosed with ADHD or those who think they might have ADHD. We aim to support you in understanding yourself better and to explore various strategies to help you flourish in college.

Group Details 

When: Mondays, 12:00 - 1:00 PM 

Where: - Glasnevin Campus - K201a, The U Building OR St. Patrick's Campus - E205, E Block 

Upcoming Topics - 

23rd Sep 2024: What is ADHD & Lifestyle Changes to Enhance Focus 

30th Sep 2024:  Time Management & Technology

7th Oct 2024: Sensory Regulation & Self Care (with a review session) 


For more information or any questions, feel free to reach out to our Jaiee Kolwankar or Susan Madigan on otsupport@dcu.ie 


Sign up using the form below to let us know if you plan to attend. Please note the group will take place simultaneously on both the campuses.