Advisory Board | National Institute for Digital Learning
International Advisory Board
A group of leading scholars and professional educators from around the world with specialist expertise in digital, blended and online learning contribute to our International Advisory Board, which guides the strategic direction of the National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL). Professor Grainne Conole serves on the Board in her role as a Visiting Professor and the full list of board members includes:
Professor in Distance Education, Technology Enhanced Learning Research Institute, Athabasca University, Canada.
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Learning Transformations, Swinborne University of Technology, Australia
Dean and Executive Vice Provost, ASU Online, Arizona State University
Managing Director, Audiovisual Technologies, Informatics & Telecommunications, Belgium
Executive Director, Learning Innovation and Network Knowledge, University of Texas Arlington, United States
Head of Centre for Staff and Learning Development and Deputy Director, Directorate of Human Resources, Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom
Associate ProVost for Online Learning, University at Albany, State University of New York, United States
Department of Education and Schooling, Mount Royal University, Canada
• Professor Airina Volungevicene
Director of Innovative Studies Institute, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Professor of Educational Technology, Institute of Educational Technology, Open University, United Kingdom
Professor of Learning Technologies, Plymount Institute of Education, United Kingdom
Leading at the Edge of Innovation