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School of Law and Government

For Future Research Students | Law and Government

PhD/Masters by Research 

The School of Law and Government offers highly dedicated supervision of research students, by expert, research-active members of staff. We welcome applications to our three postgraduate research programmes: MA by Research, LLM by Research and PhD. Students may register on either a full-time or part-time basis. When preparing your topic, please ensure you read the detailed information on the PhD Programme in Politics and International Relations, and Research Degrees in Law. The school provides a supportive atmosphere for research postgraduates, with excellent supervision, PhD level modules in research design and methods and a focus on professional development. Students have dedicated work spaces and receive financial assistance for fieldwork and conferences (allocated on a competitive basis). 

The School of Law and Government welcomes applications from postgraduates interested in research in the areas of expertise of our faculty. These are outlined below for ease of reference.