The primary role of the Office of the Chief Operations Officer (OCOO) is to support and enhance the academic endeavours of the University.
The Office is led by the Chief Operations Officer (COO), Dr. Declan Raftery, who is is also tasked with providing administrative support to the Governing Authority.
Reporting to the President of the University, the COO is a member of the President's Senior Management Group and provides input into the strategic decision making process within the University.
In addition, several key support units within the University report directly to the COO for management purposes.
Who We Are
The Office of the COO (OCOO) is responsible for the management of the corporate and secretarial functions of the University, and for the oversight of legal functions for both the University and its associated campus companies.
The OCOO endeavours to uphold the highest standards of good governance, probity and accountability, both within the University and its associated campus companies, as well as aiming to comply proactively with the statutory and regulatory legal requirements relevant to a university.
Further information on the OCOO, its role and personnel, can be found within this section of the University's website.