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Faculty of Engineering and Computing

Faculty of Engineering and Computing - Research

Faculty of Engineering and Computing





Nanoteire (Nanoscience and Nano scale technologies for Ireland) is a consortium of all Irish third level institutions with international leading research capability in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Members are DCU; CRANN, TCD; UCD; Focas, DIT; UCC; Tyndall National Institute; MSSI, UL; Lighthouse, NUI, Galway; Queen's University and University of Ulster.


HEA - LogoNANOTEIRE was recently funded to the level of €31.6M by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) via PRTLI4. This was the largest funding allocation to a national consortium.


NANOTEIRE's aims are:

  • Creation of a shared national infrastructural capability serviced effectively by trained support staff to enhance the national capacity for delivering innovative research in nanoscience and nanoscale technologies.

  • Development of shared national nanoscience graduate programmes with international appeal resulting in graduate numbers aligned with stated SSTI goals.

  • Expansion of existing institutional linkages to facilitate new collaborations, locally, regionally and nationally across institutions and disciplines.


NDP - LogoThe three key research domaines in NANOTEIRE are:

  • Nanoelectronics

  • Nanophotonics

  • Bionanoscience


The DCU team, which comprises Professor Liam Barry, Dr. Pascal Landais and Professor Patrick McNally of the Research Institute for Networks and Communications Engineering (RINCE) and members of the National Centre for Plasma Science and Technology (NCPST), will focus on the theme, Ultrafast Photonic Processes and Interactions. To this end DCU will add very significantly to its high speed optical communications laboratories, nanomaterials growth and characterization facilities and high power laser facilities.


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