The History subject stream equips students with a wide range of skills and techniques upon which historical research and writings are based. Students will engage in the critical examination of historians’ works, and the evaluation of primary sources, and will acquire the conceptual tools with which our view of the past is shaped. The modules provide perspectives on major themes in Irish and European political, economic, social and cultural history from the close of the Middle Ages to the 20th century.
The information below is provided in order that students may gain a reasonable impression of module content. This information is also provided specifically so that students may use it to inform any exemption applications they may make. However, modules are regularly updated and therefore the content of these modules, when they are delivered, may differ from what is stated below.
For full module information please click on the relevant module title below.
His1: What is History
What is History and why study it? When a student has studied this module they will have answers to these questions, along with many more new questions, as students of History must have enquiring minds. This module is designed to introduce students to the exciting world of Early Modern Europe, which was a period of great change and innovation, with the module providing an overview of events and developments that occurred in Europe and beyond throughout a 350 year period. Students will be introduced to topics such as: the great artistic developments of the Renaissance; the growth of the first truly global empires; and the causes of a major split within the Catholic Church which resulted in the Protestant Reformation. This module also equips students with the study skills necessary to successfully study history at third level.
His2: Europe and a Wider World
An examination of developments in Europe from the revolutions of 1848 to the early twenty first century is presented in this module. Beginning with the state of European society in the mid-nineteenth century, key developments such as nationalism and revolution are explored, with particular emphasis placed on the long-term consequences of the 1848 revolutions. An examination of Bismarck’s role in European affairs is also offered while European emigration is assessed through the case studies of Germany, Italy and Sweden. The role of European Imperialism in the build up to 1914 is explored while women’s rights, education, literacy and popular culture are also addressed. The origins of the First and Second World Wars and their impact on society is discussed. The break-up of Europe’s overseas empires is examined while the factors which led to the Cold War are also assessed. The module then moves on to the tensions between the post-1945 superpowers of the USA and the Soviet Union and the collapse of communism in the late 1980s. The Balkan Crisis of the 1990s, the development of independent states in Eastern Europe and the expansion of the European Union are also examined. In addition, recent developments in Russia under Vladimir Putin are chronicled. The attitudes of European governments and their citizens to immigration in Europe will be addressed along with the involvement of the US government in European policy, the War on Terror and its impact on Europe.
His3: Land, Politics and Society in Ireland 1790-1922
This module provides an in-depth analysis of the interaction of political, economic and social forces in nineteenth century Ireland culminating in the signing of the Anglo Irish Treaty. Students study pre-famine Irish society, the modernisation of Ireland after 1845 and the factors that cemented political divisions 1880-1920To support students in their studies a chronology that notes many of the key dates and developments that took place between the late eighteenth century and 1922, general study advice, information about the key reading materials and also a guide to online resources are provided.
His4: Politics, Culture and Society in Ireland 1916-2010
This module chronicles the economic, social and cultural history of the independent Irish state and Northern Ireland in the twentieth and twenty first centuries. The module assesses the early development of the Irish Free State under Cumann na nGaedheal and continues through various governments leading to the collapse of the Celtic Tiger and the recession while an examination of events in Northern Ireland is also offered. As well as discussing key political developments, a social and cultural assessment is given with particular emphasis placed on population and social change, education, language and popular culture while the role of women within Irish society is also addressed. The module examines the relationship between the churches and state as well as the collapse of the Catholic Church in the 1990s and the decline of clerical influence on Irish society. As well as looking at the Troubles and the Peace Process in Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland’s role within wider European developments is also examined, as increased levels of immigration forms an important part of more recent Irish society.
His5: Women in Irish and European Society: 1789-1922
This module considers the history of women's role in both the private as well as the public sphere. The module considers the manner in which gender roles in the nineteenth century were constructed with reference to the ideology of separate spheres. According to the ideology men occupied the public sphere – the world of commerce, business, politics, the professions. Women occupied the private or domestic sphere – the sphere of the home. However, in the patriarchal society that was nineteenth century Ireland and England even within the home the ultimate authority was that of the male head. The module moves to discuss how various categories of ‘outcast’ women who did not or could not conform to the domestic paradigm, notably prostitutes, criminal women, vagrant women and women who committed infanticide, were treated by society. In this way the module asks students to understand the importance of class as well as gender analysis.
The module also considers the move towards first wave feminism in the later nineteenth century. The module examines not just at the campaign for the parliamentary vote but also considers the manner in which female activists were concerned to improve the position of women in society in the area of educational rights, local government rights and property rights amongst other issues.
The module also focuses on the role of women in nationalism with a particular emphasis on the revolutionary period 1913-1921.
His6: Researching Local History: People, Place and Time
In this module students are equipped with the skills and techniques necessary to carry out local history research as, in completing this module, students produce a piece of original research on a topic in local history. Students learn how to: approach such a project; identify, and analyse, appropriate documentary and non-written sources of historical information; research and write about local history; as well as how local history research is presented and published.