New research to explore issues facing second-generation minority ethnic young people in Ireland
The Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education Centre in DCU’s Institute of Education is inviting second-generation minority ethnic young people to participate in a research project which aims to explore current issues facing these young people in Ireland.
Commissioned by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, the team at DCU hope to collect young ethic minority peoples’ interpretations of belonging and identity, including how that connects to their family, peers, community and other minority groups, school, workplace and wider society.
The project is open to young people living in Ireland, aged 18-24, who identify as a second generation ethnic minority, meaning children of one or more parent or caregiver who are first generation immigrants to Ireland, or one or more parent or caregiver who was born outside of Ireland.
For further information about this project please register your interest or contact Malgosia M Kosiciak malgosia.machowksa-kosciak@dcu.ie