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DCU Pride (stock image)

DCU Pride 2021: Deputy President Anne Sinnott on Celebrating LGBTQ+ across DCU

As Vice President for Diversity and Equality, I am delighted that DCU will celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride Month during June 2021.

Pride is an important opportunity to celebrate the diversity that our LGBTQ+ colleagues and allies bring to DCU and to acknowledge the challenges that some LGBTQ+ colleagues and students still encounter.

Pride Month can help us to create a space within our DCU community to explore opportunities for better LGBTQ+ inclusion at every level of university life.

As part of our commitment in the DCU Strategy to 'People First', the Senior Management Team and I are committed to continuing to build a DCU culture where every member of the community feels valued, included and equal.

 In an important step for LGBTQ+ visibility at DCU, our HR Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Unit has arranged for the Pride Flag to be raised for the first time on all DCU campuses for the month of June. This is in celebration and recognition of our LGBTQ+ colleagues, allies and students.

I hope that Pride Month will provide our community with an opportunity to engage with LGBTQ+ equality in a way that sustains our longer term commitment to ensuring inclusion and belonging.

There are some excellent events planned during the month ahead and I hope everyone will make the most of these opportunities to celebrate, learn about and engage with the achievements and priorities of the LGBTQ+ community.

- Anne Sinnott, Deputy President of DCU and VP for Diversity and Equality